

Please click on a link below to go directly to that vote:


      Committee Vote







                                 THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE


                          1st Regular Session of the 59th Legislature



                                28 February, 2023                              


                    COMMITTEE ON AERONAUTICS & TRANSPORTATION                   


SENATE BILL 669                

Brooks                          Driver licenses; clarifying language; removing

                                certain limitation; removing certain exceptions;

                                removing certain license renewal requirement;

                                removing certain presumption; removing certain

                                application. Effective date.  



      AYES:    7                                                    RCS#   37

      NAYS:    6                                                   02/28/2023

      CP  :    0                                                     03:44 PM

      VAC :    0                                                            


AYES:    7


Dossett           Haste             Kidd              Matthews         

Rogers            Rosino            Stanley          


NAYS:    6


Alvord            Burns             Dahm              McCortney        

Newhouse          Stephens         





